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Pages missing on the server side only, in a Firebase/React app

I have a little web app using Firebase and React.

Locally it runs on


and has a couple of subpages like:


All is OK so far. Then I upload my page to the server (as I have already done a few times now), running:

npm run build
firebase deploy

I can at this point access the app on the server, as expected using some link like:

But I hit problems hereafter, trying these URLs (for some subpages) in the browser:

I get this result, showing that some pages must be missing:

Page Not Found

The specified file was not found on this website. Please check  the URL for mistakes and try again.
Why am I seeing this?

This page was generated by the Firebase Command-Line Interface.     To modify it, edit the 404.html file in your project's  configured public directory.

I have checked my firebase.json file that this line is present in the "hosting" section:

"public": "build",

Knowing that, is there some possible issue that an experienced Firebase/React user would immediately think about and that I may be missing?


  • Your problem is probably because you init project and set it as it is not SPA.

    Set up your firebase.json file like this:

    "hosting": {
        "target": "This is when you need target",
        "public": "build",
        "ignore": [
        "rewrites": [
            "source": "**",
            "destination": "/index.html"

    Most important for SPA is "rewrites" section. When you open home page using browser request looks like this even if you wrote and when you request request looks like And in reallity you don't have this document so you need to setup hosting to rewrites all request to this one index.html document.