I have a program that simulates the paths of particles using the Differential Equations package of Julia. The simulation allows for particles to hit devices - to prevent the continued simulation of such particles, I use the unstable_check
of the solver (specifically of the EulerHeun
solver). However, this leads to warnings like the following:
┌ Warning: Instability detected. Aborting
└ @ SciMLBase <path>\.julia\packages\SciMLBase\0s9uL\src\integrator_interface.jl:351
As I simulate thousands of particles, this can be quite annoying (and slow).
Can I suppress this warning? And if not, is there another (better) way to abort the simulation of some particles?
I don't think a code sample makes sense / is necessary here; let me know though if you think otherwise.
verbose: Toggles whether warnings are thrown when the solver exits early. Defaults to true.
Thus to turn off the warnings, you simply do solve(prob,alg;verbose=false)
The simulation allows for particles to hit devices - to prevent the continued simulation of such particles, I use the unstable_check of the solver
Using a DiscreteCallback
or ContinuousCallback
with affect!(integrator) = terminate!(integrator)
is a much better way to do this.