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Force Dropdowns to Display in B2:B When Adjacent Cell in A2:A Has Data

In this sample Google Sheet that you can edit, I'm trying to configure the data validation dropdown menus in B2:B to only display when the adjacent cells in A2:A have data in them. As you can see in my spreadsheet, I have the data validation configured alright, but it inserts dropdown menus all the way down column B, even if there's no data next to it in Column A, and I don't want that.

How can I configure this to where Data Validation dropdown menus only display when there is data in adjacent cells in column A?

Thanks for your help!


  • You need a script

    function onEdit(event){
      var s = event.source.getActiveSheet();
      var r = event.source.getActiveRange();
      if (r.getColumn() == 1 && s.getName() == 'Dropdowns'){
        if (r.getValue() == ''){
          var lists = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Colors');
            .requireValueInRange(lists.getRange('A2:A'+lists.getLastRow()), true)