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How to create pages from non-seriazable data(functions)

I have this JavaScript data file(src/test/test.js):

module.exports = {
    "title": "...",
    "Number": "number1",
    "Number2": ({ number1 }) => number1 / 2,

I want to pass this file verbatim(functions preserved) to a page, so that the page can use that data to build itself. I already have the page template and everything else sorted out, I just need to find a way to pass this into the page.

The first approach I tried is requireing this file in gatsby-node.js and then passing it as pageContext.

  • gatsby-node.js
const path = require('path');

exports.createPages = ({actions, graphql}) => {
    const { createPage } = actions;

    return graphql(`
        query loadQuery {
            allFile(filter: {sourceInstanceName: {eq: "test"}}) {
                edges {
                    node {
    `).then(result => {
        if (result.errors) {
            throw result.errors;

        for (const node of => e.node)) {
            const data = require(node.absolutePath);
                path: node.relativePath,
                component: path.resolve('./src/templates/test.js'),
                context: data,
  • gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
    plugins: [
            resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`,
            options: {
                name: `test`,
                path: `${__dirname}/src/test/`,
  • src/templates/test.js
import React from 'react';

const index = ({ pageContext }) => (

export default index;

However, I get this warning when running the dev server:

warn Error persisting state: ({ number1 }) => number1 / 2 could not be cloned.

If I ignore it and try to use the function anyway, Gatsby crashes with this error:

WebpackError: TypeError: pageContext.Number2 is not a function

After searching for a while, I found this:

The pageContext was always serialized so it never worked to pass a function and hence this isn't a bug. We might have not failed before though.
- Gatsby#23675

which told me this approach wouldn't work.

How could I pass this data into a page? I've considered JSON instead, however, JSON can't contain functions.

I've also tried finding a way to register a JSX object directly, however I couldn't find a way.


  • Regarding the main topic, as you spotted, can't be done that way because the data is serialized.

    How could I pass this data into a page? I've considered JSON instead, however, JSON can't contain functions.

    Well, this is partially true. You can always do something like:

    {"function":{"arguments":"a,b,c","body":"return a*b+c;"}}

    And then:

    let func = new Function(function.arguments, function.body);

    In this case, you are (de)serializing a JSON function, creating and casting a function based on JSON parameters. This approach may work in your scenario.

    Regarding the JSX, I guess you can try something like:

    for (const node of => e.node)) {
        const data = require(node.absolutePath);
            path: node.relativePath,
            component: path.resolve('./src/templates/test.js'),
              someComponent: () => <h1>Hi!</h1>

    And then:

    import React from 'react';
    const Index = ({ pageContext: { someComponent: SomeComponent} }) => (
        return <div><SomeComponent /></div>
    export default index;

    Note: I don't know if it's a typo from the question but index should be capitalized as Index

    In this case, you are aliasing the someComponent as SomeComponent, which is a valid React component.