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Multiple text-areas being added after an update event

I am making a simple code editor using codemirror. I am at the last stage but a bug has occurred which I am not able to get my heads around.

I have a select html tag with three options:

<select class="language" id="lang" onclick="update()">
  <option value="javascript">JavaScript</option>
  <option value="python">Python</option>
  <option value="python">C</option>

And my update() function is:

function update() {
  var select = $('#lang').val();
  var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea($('#text'), {
      mode: select,
      theme: "blackboard",

Now what happens is that everytime I select a different option from the dropdown, a new Code editor is added below the previous one.

Do you have some idea where I am going wrong in the code and how I can workaround?


  • Change your JS to this:

    let editor;
    function update() {
      var select = $('#lang').val();
      editor = editor ?? CodeMirror.fromTextArea($('#text'), {
          theme: "blackboard",
      editor.setOption('mode', select);

    This makes it so if editor already exists, it is not created again, but instead re-used.