I am trying to use Microsoft´s WorldLockingTools (repo see here) in my Unity Mixed Reality project. Therefore I need to add the Frozen World Engine DLL to my Unity Project. In Microsoft´s Documentation they describe to do this via nuget. I want to add the dependencies manually like described in this thread, since for me it´s not possible to use nuget (I have no network-access on that computer). I was able to extract the .dll, but if I add it to my project as described in that thread, unity still can´t find the dll. Do I need to do some further steps than just adding the dll to my Asset-Folder? If yes, can you please tell me which steps they are? I would be really thankful for that!
Best regards!
OK I figured out the reason behind this misbehavior. The problem is, that there is a c#-Script within the nuget-package additional to the dlls which has to be placed within the WorldLocking.Engine folder. After that all Exceptions disappeared and it seems to work now! I Hope I could help anybody who comes across this Question.