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Fluentmigrator in database schema

I use Fluentmigrator in my Visual Studio project to version and migrate a single MS SQL Server database.

Within that db, there are multiple customer dedicated database schemas, and wish to migrate them independently from each other, hence each schema would have a dedicated VersionInfo table.

I see this might be possible with this, by overriding the meta data:

The next step would be to execute sql scripts against the target schema using


statement in the migration class, but I don't see the InSchema member method.

(Unfortunately I need to use embedded scripts, as I have complex temporal table structure setups.)

How could I run Execute.EmbeddedScript against different schemas? The schema name is passed to my fluent migrator application via command line argument.


  • Glad its open source, found it in the code. EmbeddedScript function has a 2nd optional parameter which is a dictionary, where you can list tokens to be replaced in your to be executed sql code.

    This is where it got implemented, but since then it got improved and now the token key has to be in $(mytokentoreplace) in the sql script, and just "mytokentoreplace" in your c# dictionary which you pass to Embeddedscript to replace the tokens to whatever you want.

    You can pass in your dictionary to your migration classes using dependency injection:

    then just call Execute.EmbeddedScript("mysqlscript.sql", service.Tokens); to replace the tokens, which in my case is schema.