I don't really know how to redirect to another page, I specified CARD_TITLE
, but i don't know how CARD_LINK
works. Also, I would like to forward a column value to an item on the new page.
Basically, when someone clicks on a card, the goal is to redirect to another page with a column value.
I saw that in APEX 20.2 there is Cards region but in our version there is only the 'Cards' template on a Report region.
should be a link to another page. Create it any way you want, but - I prefer APEX_URL.GET_URL
select <CARD_... columns here>,
apex_page.get_url (p_page => 2, --> go to page 2
p_items => 'P2_ID', --> to P2_ITEM ...
p_values => a.id) card_link --> ... pass a.id column value
from some_table a
where ...
At the end, it'll look like e.g.