I've been given this function to inject external javascript files to the rendered html:
function inject(src, cb, target){
target = target || document.body;
var s = document.createElement('SCRIPT');
s.charset = 'UTF-8';
if(typeof cb === 'function'){
s.onload = function(){
s.onreadystatechange = function () {
(/loaded|complete/).test(s.readyState) && cb(s);
s.src = src;
return s;
and this is the calling function:
$(function (){
var a = swifttagdiv.firstChild.attributes[2].value.substr(11);
var is = swifttagdiv.firstChild.firstChild.src;
var onLine = (is.substring(is.lastIndexOf('/') + 1) == 'staffonline.png');
if (onLine) {
$('#spanactive2').html('<span style="color: #567591;"><?php echo($content->getString('active')); ?><\/span>');
$('#chaton2').html('<img src="/site/img/chaton.gif" alt="" />');
$('#chat_box_timer').click(function() { eval(a); });
} else {
$('#chaton2').html('<img src="/site/img/chatoff.png" alt="" />');
And it's working fine on Firefox. It does not work on chrome though. Developer tools give me this error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'appendChild' of null
How do I fix, or at least start to debug this?
My best guess was that the DOM was generated differently across browsers, and swifttagdiv.firstChild did not have attributes[2] in chrome, but did in other browsers. What it did have was the attributes['href'] property. So the solution was to change
var a = swifttagdiv.firstChild.attributes[2].value.substr(11);
var a = swifttagdiv.firstChild.attributes['href'].value.substr(11);