Search code examples

Use Array.filter to return values for a set number of items

I currently have a function that returns a value for each item in my array, up to a maximum number. It looks like this

const myArray = [
    { url: "", other: "foo" },
    { url: "", other: "foo"  },
    { url: "", other: "foo"  },
    { url: "", other: "foo"  },
    { url: "", other: "foo"  },

function getNumberOfUrls(data, num) {
  const newArray = [];

  data?.forEach(function (datum) {
    if (newArray.length < num) {

  return newArray;

// Output
//["", "", ""] 

It simply returns the url for each object in the array until it hits the limit provided. It works fine, but I was trying to explore if there is a more suitable Array function I should be using.

I know Array.filter creates a new array based on whether the iterated item passes a particular condition, but I wondered if it could be used to check whether something else passes the condition - in this case the parent array.

function getNumberOfUrls(data, num) {
  return data.filter(datum => /* return url until we hit .length === num in data? */ )

How can I make this work or is there a better-suited Array method to achieve this?

ETA: the original example array didn't paint the full picture. I've now added more data to show the issue. I don't want to return an array with just the first three objects, I want to just return the url value from the first three objects.


  • The shortest way to do this is using Array.slice:

    const myArray = [
      { url: "" },
      { url: "" },
      { url: "" },
      { url: "" },
      { url: "" },
    const limit = 3
    const shorterArray = myArray.slice(0, limit).map(item => item.url)

    I removed my other code, as it was inefficient, and should not be used.