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How to use RestTemplate client for GET request when response body is void in Spring Boot?

I'm using RestTemplate client in Java and Spring Boot project and when I receive a response body from the server I have this code:

    private RestTemplate oauth2RestTemplate;
    private ParameterizedTypeReference<List<Employee>> parameterizedTypeReference;


   ResponseEntity<List<Employee>> rtGetResponse =, HttpMethod.GET, httpEntity, parameterizedTypeReference);

So in this case I will receive a list of employee.

Now I want to use this method but the response body from the server is void, and I want to use exchange method but I don't know what to use instead of parameterizedTypeReference because the response is void. So I dont have a response body, I want only to catch the exception.

Is ok to do something like that?

try {, HttpMethod.GET, httpEntity, null);
 } catch (HttpStatusCodeException e) {
    switch (e.getStatusCode()) {
        case BAD_REQUEST:
            throw new BadRequestException(e);
        case NOT_FOUND:
            throw new NotFoundException(e);


  • You can use Void class

    try {, HttpMethod.GET, httpEntity, Void.class);
     } catch (HttpStatusCodeException e) {
        switch (e.getStatusCode()) {
            case BAD_REQUEST:
                throw new BadRequestException(e);
            case NOT_FOUND:
                throw new NotFoundException(e);