frontend with React.js looks good i saw the other people who did same thing as i did but i don't know where is the problem ! anyone can help me ?
const [cours, setCours] = useState([]);
const [description, setDescription] = useState("")
const [title, setTitle] = useState("")
const coursHandle = (e) => { setCours([]) }
const onsubmit = async (e) => {
const formData = new FormData();
formData.append("description", description);
formData.append("title", title);
// cours.forEach((elem) => { formData.append("cours", elem) });
formData.append("cours", cours)
// for (let i = 0; i < cours.length; i++) {
// formData.append("cours", cours[i])
// }
await"http://localhost:5000/upload", formData)
.then((res) => console.log("successfully file post", res)).catch((err) =>
console.log("error with file post", err))
and backend with multer is here this code is in my app.js
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
and the public folder is the same place as app.js
const multer = require("multer");
const path = require("path");
const MIME_TYPES = {
"file/pdf": "pdf",
"file/docx": "docx",
"file/txt": "txt",
"file/png": "png",
"file/jpeg": "jpg",
"file/jpg": "jpg",
const fileStorage = multer.diskStorage({
destination: (req, file, cb) => {
cb(null, "public");
filename: (req, file, cb) => {
const nameObject = path.parse(file.originalname);
// const nameObject = file.originalname.split(' ').join('_');
const extension = MIME_TYPES[file.mimetype];
cb(null," ").join("_") + + "." + extension);
module.exports = { multerUpload: multer({ storage: fileStorage }).single("file") }
I found the answer for my question,
formData.append("cours", cours)
Here the key name as i try to send is "cours" and :
module.exports = { multerUpload: multer({ storage: fileStorage }).single("file")
Here the key name for single function is "file" !! that was a first problem and another one was this :
I've forgoten to add this line in my tag !
And finally my multer js is :
const fileStorage = multer.diskStorage({
destination: (req, file, cb) => {
cb(null, "public/files");
filename: (req, file, cb) => {
console.log("filename :", file);
const nameObject = path.parse(file.originalname);
cb(null," ").join("_") + +
module.exports = { multerUpload: multer({ storage: fileStorage }).array("cours") }