I'm finding a problem in my Sonar I don't know how to solve.
The error I have is:
Possible null pointer dereference in mypackage.myMethod(String) due to return value of called method
At the very begining it was:
So what I did was:
return (response != null && response.getBody() != null) ? response.getBody().getData() : null;
But the error is still there.
Am I missunderstanding the error?? How can I solve?
Each time you invoke a method, you might get back a different result. You may know that you will get the same result back each time, but Sonarqube doesn't.
Assign response.getBody()
to a variable so you don't have to call it again:
if (response != null) {
var body = response.getBody();
if (body != null) {
return body.getData();
return null;
You can do it with Optional, alternatively:
return Optional.ofNullable(response).map(ResponseType::getBody).map(BodyType::getData).orElse(null);