Could you please help me understanding the below code snippet. the note says it's doing a string permutation by back tracking but I just don't get it. I don't get what the nested for loops are doing. I tried to follow the code with "Cat". Doesn't permutation set have then?
public static Set<String> getPermutations(String inputString) {
if(inputString.length() <= 1) {
return new HashSet<>(Collections.singletonList(inputString));
String allCharsExceptLast = inputString.substring(0, inputString.length()-1);
char lastChar = inputString.charAt(inputString.length()-1);
Set<String> permutationsOfAllCharsExceptLast = getPermutations(allCharsExceptLast);
Set<String> permutations = new HashSet<>();
for(String permutationOfAllCharsExceptLast: permutationsOfAllCharsExceptLast) {
for(int position = 0; position <= allCharsExceptLast.length(); position++) {
String permutation = permutationOfAllCharsExceptLast.substring(0, position) + lastChar +
return permutations;
The algorithm works as follows:
The base case: when the string consists of just one character, then return a set with just that one string: it is the only possible permutation.
Solve the problem for one character less: get all the permutations of the shorter string that lacks the original last character.
For each permutation in the set that is returned by this recursive call, do the following:
Choose every possible index in this this permutation at which we can insert a character, i.e. 0 to the length of the shorter string (included):
So step 3 needs two nested loops: one to get each permutation of the shorter string, and another to select an index at which the excluded character is to be inserted into that permutation.
In step 2 we look at the shorter string "abc", and trust the function to produce the correct result for it (inductive reasoning), which is the set:
{ "abc", "acb", "bac", "bca", "cab", "cba" }
Now we get to step 3. The outer loop iterates over this set. The inner loop chooses an index between 0 and 3 (included). So let's put that in a table:
shorter permutation | index at which to insert "d" | resulting permutation |
"abc" | 0 | "dabc" |
"abc" | 1 | "adbc" |
"abc" | 2 | "abdc" |
"abc" | 3 | "abcd" |
"acb" | 0 | "dacb" |
"acb" | 1 | "adcb" |
"acb" | 2 | "acdb" |
"acb" | 3 | "acbd" |
"bac" | 0 | "dbac" |
"bac" | 1 | "bdac" |
"bac" | 2 | "badc" |
"bac" | 3 | "bacd" |
"bca" | 0 | "dbca" |
"bca" | 1 | "bdca" |
"bca" | 2 | "bcda" |
"bca" | 3 | "bcad" |
"cab" | 0 | "dcab" |
"cab" | 1 | "cdab" |
"cab" | 2 | "cadb" |
"cab" | 3 | "cabd" |
"cba" | 0 | "dcba" |
"cba" | 1 | "cdba" |
"cba" | 2 | "cbda" |
"cba" | 3 | "cbad" |
This resulting set is then returned.
Hope this clarifies it.