We´re struggeling with the decryption of DESFire Data. We´ve authenticated successfully and could decrypt RndA´ which was the same as the RndA we´ve created.
Now we try to read an encyphered File from position 0 for 16 bytes.
From some java library we could figure out, that we have to use the encyphered Command as IV for the decryption. Is that right?
Here the examples:
SessionKey: 0ba1caf83a26a72170149b7504895f34
ReadCommand: bd00000000100000
Crc32C for Cmd: D9CEE76B
Secret: 6a0d0f0d5c8f054b1e5914a42e49728622774c6272e5c34a69ed302251576aaf
So now we concat the ReadCommand with Crc32C:
Then we padd Zeros up to 16 Bytes
Then we generate e(cmd + crc + padding) with session key and IV 0 to gain the next iv for decrypting the resposne:
Now we decrypt the secret with session Key and IV:=e(cmd + crc32) and are getting:
There are many Zeros which let me think we are not far away from the answer. So please someone tell us, what is wrong?
We are using this library for Crc32C And here the full code we are using within a test:
[InlineData("6a0d0f0d5c8f054b1e5914a42e49728622774c6272e5c34a69ed302251576aaf", "0ba1caf83a26a72170149b7504895f34", "bd00000000100000")]
public void DecryptData_Test(string secretS, string sessionKeyS, string cmdS)
var cryptoAlgoFactory = new Func<SymmetricAlgorithm>(() => Aes.Create());
var keyLength = 16;
var secret = EncriptionHelper.StringToByte(secretS);
var sessionKey = EncriptionHelper.StringToByte(sessionKeyS);
var cmd = EncriptionHelper.StringToByte(cmdS);
var crytoAlgo = cryptoAlgoFactory();
crytoAlgo.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
crytoAlgo.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
var encryptor = crytoAlgo.CreateEncryptor(sessionKey, new byte[keyLength]);
var crc32 = BitConverter.GetBytes(Crc32C.Crc32CAlgorithm.Compute(cmd));
var padding = 0;
if ((cmd.Length + crc32.Length) % keyLength != 0)
padding = keyLength - ((cmd.Length + crc32.Length) % keyLength);
var result = new byte[cmd.Length + crc32.Length + padding];
Array.Copy(cmd, result, cmd.Length);
Array.Copy(crc32, 0, result, cmd.Length, crc32.Length);
var iv = encryptor.TransformFinalBlock(result, 0, result.Length);
crytoAlgo = cryptoAlgoFactory();
crytoAlgo.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
crytoAlgo.Padding = PaddingMode.None;
var decryptor = crytoAlgo.CreateDecryptor(sessionKey, iv);
var plain = decryptor.TransformFinalBlock(secret, 0, secret.Length);
We´ve found out, that we have to encrypt the command with CMACing and without CRC32C.
Therefore the following solution:
SessionKey: 0ba1caf83a26a72170149b7504895f34
ReadCommand: bd00000000100000
Secret: 6a0d0f0d5c8f054b1e5914a42e49728622774c6272e5c34a69ed302251576aaf
First Encrypt the cmd with CMACing to get the following IV for further decrypting (Note to use the SessionKey):
Then decrypt the secret in CBC Mode with IV cmac(cmd) to get the result:
Within the CMACing there is still something wrong so we used an NuGet Packege which worked fine.