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Salesforce LWC bullet points not rendering in rich text component

I'm working with Lightning Web Components and trying to render a List inside the lightning-formatted-rich-text component. I need this component to be dynamic so calling out "ul" and "li" component isn't going to work.


<lightning-formatted-rich-text value={message}></lightning-formatted-rich-text>


import BaseChatMessage from 'lightningsnapin/baseChatMessage';
import { track } from 'lwc';
export default class ChatMessageDefaultUI extends BaseChatMessage {
    @track message = '<ul><li>hello</li><li>is this working?</li></ul>';

I've tried css like below from a different answer and not seeing any difference

ul:not(.browser-default) li {
    list-style-type: disc;


  • I ran in to this issue when trying to parse a rich text object from Salesforce CMS (via JSON).

    It looks like lightning-formatted-text currently works best with (html-)decoded strings via the .js file or a html-encoded string parsed directly in the html-file.

    I ran some tests, where "richText1" renders with html code and the others as expected:

    richText1 = '&lt;h1&gt;TEST&lt;/h1&gt;'; 
    richText2 = "<h1>TEST</h1>";
    <lightning-formatted-rich-text value={richText1}></lightning-formatted-rich-text>
    <lightning-formatted-rich-text value={richText2}></lightning-formatted-rich-text>
    <lightning-formatted-rich-text value="&lt;h1&gt;TEST&lt;/h1&gt;"></lightning-formatted-rich-text>

    In my case, it helped to html decode the string before using lightning-formatted-rich-text. See vsyncs tips here