I'm next js for my project and it uses webpack 5 to compile typescript codes
I have several web worker scripts inside my public folder under path "/workers/**/*.worker.js"
I was wondering if I can write them in typescript too or at least use babel to transpile them for es5 (for old browsers)
I know that anything under the "public" folder is served as is and as a file (like a CDN)
can I add a "workers" folder to my project and load them in the public path with webpack and next js?
thanks to @nalin-ranjan I've come up with the solution
in my "next.config.js" I added a rule to my webpack config:
module.exports = {
webpack: (config) => {
test: /\.worker\.ts$/,
type: 'asset/resource',
generator: {
filename: 'static/[hash:5].[name].js',
use: [
loader: 'ts-loader',
options: {
transpileOnly: true,
configFile: __dirname + '/worker.tsconfig.json',
return config
with this rule, I could require my workers and use them as URLs and transpile typescript
also, I had to add a new "tsconfig" that had "isolatedModules" option disabled (because web workers are not modules). for that, I created an identical tsconfig file to next.js but disabled isolatedModules. the reason being that next.js forbids you to disable isolatedModules and resets it back