I am facing some problems with web Bluetooth API. the problem is that I have a temperature and humidity recorder Bluetooth device, which recorded temperature and humidity data through the sensor. I want to fetch that data in my web app by using web Bluetooth in javascript. so how can I perform this task?
I have tried web Bluetooth but I only get device name and battery level but I am not able to fetch temperature & humidity data.
If the Bluetooth device uses the GATT Environmental Sensing service (GATT Assigned Number 0x181A
), you should be able to read and get notified of the Temperature (0x2A6E
) and Humidity (0x2A6F
) GATT characteristics.
Here's some code that should* work.
const serviceUuid = 0x181A;
// Requesting Bluetooth Device assuming it advertises
// the GATT Environmental Sensing Service...
const device = await navigator.bluetooth.requestDevice({
filters: [{services: [serviceUuid]}]});
// Connecting to GATT Server...
const server = await device.gatt.connect();
// Getting Environmental Sensing Service...
const service = await server.getPrimaryService(serviceUuid);
// Getting Humidity Characteristic...
const characteristic = await service.getCharacteristic(0x2A6F);
// Reading Humidity...
const value = await characteristic.readValue();
The sample at https://googlechrome.github.io/samples/web-bluetooth/notifications.html?characteristic=humidity&service=environmental_sensing may also help you get started.