I am totally new at using the Combine framework. The struct I am using:
enum AuthenticateResponse: Decodable, Hashable {
struct Success: Decodable, Hashable {
let url, id, firstName, lastName: String
let email, phone: String
struct Failure: Decodable, Hashable {
struct Errors: Decodable, Hashable {
let code: [String]?
let username: [String]?
let password: [String]?
let message: String
let errors: Errors
case success(Success)
case failure(Failure)
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
do {
let success = try Success(from: decoder)
self = .success(success)
} catch {
let failure = try Failure(from: decoder)
self = .failure(failure)
I am getting this response from server:
message: "Invalid data..",
errors: demo.AuthenticateResponse.Failure.Errors(
code: Optional(["The code does not exist."]),
username: nil,
password: nil)
I am trying to get this value code: Optional(["The code does not exist."]),
from above response using combine but I couldn’t
I am using below code to get that value:
func syncOnlineData() {
print("I am here")
.sink { result in
print("result: \(result)")
} receiveValue: { res in
print("value: \(String(describing: res))")
main response from server:
["errors": {
code = (
"The code does not exist."
}, "message": Invalid data.]
How I will get the value from code
The result is the AuthenticateResponse right?
If that's the case
.sink { result in
guard case .failure(let failure) = result else { return }
// here is the code for each error
print("do something for code: \(failure.errors.code)")