I am implementing two versions of Eratosthenes's Sieve, the first one is imperative:
let primesUntilArray n =
let isqrt x =
let mutable root = 0UL
let mutable p = 1UL <<< 31
while p > 0UL do
while x < (root + p) * (root + p) do
p <- p >>> 1
root <- root + p
p <- p >>> 1
let isPrime = Array.create (int <| n + 1) true
let bound = int <| isqrt (uint64 n)
let mutable i = 2
while i <= bound do
if isPrime.[i] then
let mutable j = i * i
while j <= n do
isPrime.[j] <- false
j <- j + i
i <- i + 1
let mutable primes = []
let mutable i = 2
while i <= n do
if isPrime.[i] then
primes <- i :: primes
i <- i + 1
List.rev primes
while the second one is functional (with F#'s sequence):
let primesUntilSequence n =
let rec pickPrimes s =
let sieveWith p =
Seq.filter (fun n -> n < p * p || n % p <> 0)
let p = Seq.head s
seq {
yield p
yield! pickPrimes (sieveWith p (Seq.tail s))
Seq.initInfinite (fun i -> i + 2)
|> pickPrimes
|> Seq.takeWhile (fun p -> p <= n)
|> Seq.toList
The time complexity of both is about O(n log log n)
, but the performance of the version using sequence is very bad, e.g.
> primesUntilArray 9000 |> List.length |> printfn "%d";;
Real: 00:00:00.004, CPU: 00:00:00.000, GC Gen0: 1, Gen1: 0, Gen2: 0
val it: unit = ()
> primesUntilSequence 9000 |> List.length |> printfn "%d";;
Real: 00:00:15.388, CPU: 00:00:15.375, GC Gen0: 592, Gen1: 64, Gen2: 0
val it: unit = ()
That means about 4000 times slower in generating primes until 9000. How can I improve the performance of the second one?
Thank you all. Following is a slightly modified version of the solution of @Tomas Petricek
let primesUntilList n =
let rec pickPrimes ps xs =
let sieveWith p =
List.filter (fun n -> n < p * p || n % p <> 0)
match xs with
| p :: xs' ->
if p * p > n then
(List.rev xs) @ ps
pickPrimes (p :: ps) (sieveWith p xs')
| _ -> ps
List.rev <| pickPrimes [] [ 2..n ]
This list based version is still about two times less efficient than using array, but much better than my initial sequence based version.
The issue with your sequence-based version is that deconstructing a sequence using Seq.head
and Seq.tail
recursively is very inefficient. The sequence returned by Seq.tail
iterates the original sequence, but skips the first element. This means that by applying Seq.tail
recursively, you are creating more and more sequences (I guess this is O(N^2)) that you need to iterate over.
This gets much more efficient if you use a list, where pattern matching against x::xs
simply takes a reference to the next cons cell:
let primesUntilList n =
let rec pickPrimes s =
let sieveWith p =
List.filter (fun n -> n < p * p || n % p <> 0)
match s with
| [] -> []
| p::ps -> p :: pickPrimes (sieveWith p ps)
[ 2 .. n ] |> pickPrimes
This is still less efficient than the array-based version (and I think that is to be expected), but it does not perform as badly as your sequence-based version.