Using the tools SpreadSheetLight I cant find how to read the rows of a spreadsheet file. Specificly Sheet 1.
Two problems Im having is
There is no way that I can see to get the Column Index Here is my code
public void ParseExcelFile(FileInfo file)
using (SLDocument sl = new SLDocument())
FileStream fs = new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open);
MemoryStream msFirstPass = new MemoryStream();
SLDocument sheet1 = new SLDocument(fs, "Sheet1");
// There is no way that I can see to get the Rows
foreach(var row in sheet1.Rows)
foreach(SLCell c in row)
// There is no way that I can see to get the Column Index
switch(c.Column )
case 1:
//Handle data if cell is Column 1
case 2:
//Handle data if cell is Column 2
case 3:
//Handle data if cell is Column 3
Its going to be hard for people to answer this as SpreadSheetLight doesn't appear to have publicly available code documentation. I have two suggestions based on a couple of assumptions: