I'm pressing the down key and up key and its not doing anything.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F9KuHkb5_U&t=1384s
package sonikhack.render;
public class TabGUI extends Module{
public int currentTab, moduleIndex;
public boolean expanded;
public TabGUI() {
super("TabGUI", Keyboard.KEY_NONE, Category.RENDER);
toggled = true;
public void onEvent(Event e) {
if(e instanceof EventRenderGUI) {
FontRenderer fr = mc.fontRendererObj;
Gui.drawRect(5, 30.5, 70, 30 + Module.Category.values().length * 16 + 1.5, 0x90000000);
Gui.drawRect(7, 33 + currentTab * 16, 7 + 61, 33 + currentTab * 16 + 12, 0xff0099ff);
int count = 0;
for(Category c : Module.Category.values()) {
fr.drawStringWithShadow(c.name, 11, 35 + count*16, -1);
List<Module> modules = Client.getModulesByCategory(Module.Category.values()[currentTab]);
Gui.drawRect(70, 30.5, 70 + 70, 30 + modules.size() * 16 + 4, 0x90000000);
Gui.drawRect(72, 33 + moduleIndex * 16, 57 + 70, 33 + moduleIndex * 16 + 12, 0xff0099ff);
count = 0;
for(Module m : modules) {
fr.drawStringWithShadow(m.name, 73, 36 + count*16, -1);
if(e instanceof EventKey) {
int code = ((EventKey)e).code;
if(code == Keyboard.KEY_UP) {
if(currentTab <= 0) {
currentTab = Module.Category.values().length - 1;
if(code == Keyboard.KEY_DOWN) {
if(currentTab >= Module.Category.values().length - 1) {
currentTab = 0;
package sonikhack.events.listerners;
import sonikhack.events.Event;
public class EventRenderGUI extends Event<EventRenderGUI> {
package sonikhack.events.listerners;
import sonikhack.events.Event;
public class EventKey extends Event<EventKey> {
public int code;
public EventKey(int code) {
this.code = code;
public int getCode() {
return code;
public void setCode(int code) {
this.code = code;
You need to move the e instanceof EventKey
if statement outside of the e instanceof EventRenderGUI
if statement.
This should work as long as you have your events hooked correctly:
if (e instanceof EventRenderGUI) {
FontRenderer fr = mc.fontRendererObj;
Gui.drawRect(5, 30.5, 70, 30 + Module.Category.values().length * 16 + 1.5, 0x90000000);
Gui.drawRect(7, 33 + currentTab * 16, 7 + 61, 33 + currentTab * 16 + 12, 0xff0099ff);
int count = 0;
for (Category c: Module.Category.values()) {
fr.drawStringWithShadow(c.name, 11, 35 + count * 16, -1);
List < Module > modules = Client.getModulesByCategory(Module.Category.values()[currentTab]);
Gui.drawRect(70, 30.5, 70 + 70, 30 + modules.size() * 16 + 4, 0x90000000);
Gui.drawRect(72, 33 + moduleIndex * 16, 57 + 70, 33 + moduleIndex * 16 + 12, 0xff0099ff);
count = 0;
for (Module m: modules) {
fr.drawStringWithShadow(m.name, 73, 36 + count * 16, -1);
if (e instanceof EventKey) {
int code = ((EventKey) e).code;
if (code == Keyboard.KEY_UP) {
if (currentTab <= 0) {
currentTab = Module.Category.values().length - 1;
} else currentTab--;
if (code == Keyboard.KEY_DOWN) {
if (currentTab >= Module.Category.values().length - 1) {
currentTab = 0;
} else