Search code examples

Refit - Use refit parameters (string) to pass as controller parameters

There is a way to use Refit to input parameters in a dynamic way?

I have this code in my Refit`s Interface:

      Task<ApiResponse<TAny>> SaveClick(string parm);

the value of parm is:


my route:

        public  void test ([FromQuery] string id)

All Im getting is that the value from id parameter is null. The expected result would be a string with value "1234"

Any help :D?



    You can either use a custom POCO class with the parameters you need, or you can use a Dictionary<string,string> to pass the values. The dictionary seems to best fit your usecase.

    public class MyQueryParams
        public string SortOrder { get; set; }
        public int Limit { get; set; }
        public KindOptions Kind { get; set; }
    public enum KindOptions
        [EnumMember(Value = "bar")]
    Task<List<User>> GroupList([AliasAs("id")] int groupId, MyQueryParams params);
    Task<List<User>> GroupListWithAttribute([AliasAs("id")] int groupId, [Query(".","search")] MyQueryParams params);
    params.SortOrder = "desc";
    params.Limit = 10;
    params.Kind = KindOptions.Bar;
    GroupList(4, params)
    >>> "/group/4/users?order=desc&Limit=10&Kind=bar"
    GroupListWithAttribute(4, params)
    >>> "/group/4/users?search.order=desc&search.Limit=10&search.Kind=bar"

    A similar behavior exists if using a Dictionary, but without the advantages of the AliasAs attributes and of course no intellisense and/or type safety.

    edit: You can probably use HttpUtility.ParseQueryString to parse your string into a NameValueCollection, which is basically a Dictionary.