I used org.reflections (latest):
new Reflections("my.package").getSubTypesOf(MyService.class);
It works well running in IntelliJ and returns all implementations of MyService.class
But running in a docker container, it returns an empty Set
(Anything else works well in the docker-container)
Any ideas? TIA!
This answer results from the comments ...
The problem is the following bug/issue:
https://github.com/ronmamo/reflections/issues/373 - 'Reflections does not detect any classes, if base class (or package prefix) is passed as argument, and application is running as a jar'
But it works (for me) with the workaround, suggested in the above mentioned issue.
Reflections reflections = new Reflections(new ConfigurationBuilder().forPackages("my.package"));
Set<Class<? extends MyService>> classes = reflections.getSubTypesOf(MyService.class);