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Implementing a Dynamic Award System

I have been developing a Online Poker Game. But I keep hitting a wall. I want to implement Awards into the system, but I want them to be dynamic. Meaning I don't want to recompile for every award I would like to add.

I have thought about using Python code for each award. Then when the server checks to see if the user qualifies for the award it runs the python script with Jython (server is in Java and Netty NIO) and if the function returns a certain value I award the award to the user. Which could work but is there maybe a more efficient technique out there that will not force me to run hundreds of python scripts each time I need to check if a user got a award.

And when are the best times to do these checks? I have tought about a hook system where I will specify the hooks like ( [onconnect][ondisconnect][chatmessage.received] ). Which also could work but feels a bit crude and I will still have to run all the scripts from the database.


  • If I were you, I'd have a totally separate process that grants awards. It runs perhaps once a day on the underlying database that contains all your player/game data.

    Your core customer-facing app knows about awards, but all it knows about them is data it loads from the DB -- something like a title, image, description, maybe how many people have the award, etc., and (based on DB tables) who has won the award.

    Your "award granter" process simply runs in batch mode, once per day / hour etc, and grants new awards to eligible players. Then the core customer-facing app notifies them but doesn't actually have to know the smarts of how to grant them. This gives you the freedom to recompile and re-run your award granter any time you want with no core app impact.

    Another approach, depending on how constrained your awards are, would be to write a simple rules interface that allows you to define rules in data. That would be ideal to achieve what you describe, but it's quite a bit of work for not much reward, in my opinion.

    PS -- in running something like an online poker server, you're going to run into versions of this problem all the time. You are absolutely going to need to develop a way to deploy new code without killing your service or having a downtime window. Working around a java-centric code solution for awards is not going to solve that problem for you in the long run. You should look into the literature on running true 24/7 services, there are quite a few ways to address the issue and it's actually not that difficult these days.