I would like to add a VIEW to the database, and query the data from this VIEW using L2E. I use migrations for maintaining database schema.
I added one class that should MAP to a VIEW columns. As an example, this class has only two properties
public class ViewData
public int Id { get; set; }
public int PropertyA { get; set; }
public class ViewDataMap : EntityTypeConfiguration<ViewData>
public ViewDataMap ()
this.HasKey(t => t.Id);
I added ViewDataMap to OnModelCreating, as with any other Table mappings. I added DbSet ViewDatas.
When I executed
add-migration preview
it created new migration with CreateTable command. Since I do not want to create a table, but only a view, I replaced in UP() CreateTable with Sql("CREATE VIEW...")
Still, EF complains about pending changes in database, and still wants to create new migration with CreateTable()...
How can prevent EF to create new table, but use VIEW instead?
As Steve suggested in the comment, I forgot to do update-database, then all works as expected.