I have a null and not empty check:
myLocalVariable: String? = null
if (item.data.propertyList !== null && item.data.propertyList!!.isNotEmpty()) {
myLocalVariable = item.data.propertyList!![0]
I don't like the !!
-Operators and I bet there is more beautiful and compact Kotlin way?
item.data.propertyList?.let {
if (it.isNotEmpty()) myLocalVariable = it[0]
Still I have ?.let
and another if
clause encapsulated.
fun List<*>?.notNullAndNotEmpty(f: ()-> Unit){
if (this != null && this.isNotEmpty()){
Here, it is still not compact, but when used several times, might be helpful. Still I dont know how to access the non empty list:
item.data.propertyList.notNullAndNotEmpty() {
myLocalVariable = ?
the easiest and most compact way, without the need of any if-checks is to just do:
myLocalVariable = item.data.propertyList?.firstOrNull()
if you want to prevent overwriting in the case of null
you could do it like this:
myLocalVariable = item.data.propertyList?.firstOrNull() ?: myLocalVariable