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How to figure out xpath for IMPORTXML in Google Sheets - Receiving An Error

Thank you guys in advance for your attention 😄

I'm trying to use the IMPORTXML function on Google Sheets.

For example:=IMPORTXML(", XMLPATH) should return "(31) 98749-2542", which is the complete phone number. Although it has a "login wall" in order to access the complete number, I can see the full number directly on the page source code.

Firefox xPath Finder extension gives me:


When I try this in Google Sheets it returns an error: #N/A (Import Content is Empty).

Please see the attachment image to see what excatly im looking for.enter image description here

full number on source code

thank you very much!


  • Try



    XPATH is here //script[@id='initial-data']/@data-json and will give you the script that contains all data included in a json

    Then use regular expression to fetch the number before phoneHidden enter image description here