I am attempting to use the C++ wrapper for the Alpaca Traders API for the found here:
However, I'm having trouble even connecting to my paper trading account.
Here is the code from the wrapper for getting the Alpaca account:
httplib::Headers headers(const Environment& environment) {
return {
{"APCA-API-KEY-ID", environment.getAPIKeyID()},
{"APCA-API-SECRET-KEY", environment.getAPISecretKey()},
std::pair<Status, Account> Client::getAccount() const {
Account account;
httplib::SSLClient client(environment_.getAPIBaseURL());
auto resp = client.Get("/v2/account", headers(environment_));
if (!resp) {
return std::make_pair(Status(1, "Call to /v2/account returned an empty response"), account);
The problem is that I get an error back that it's unable to connect:
Error: resp.error(): Connection (2)
I've checked the environment, and it's been parsed correctly, I even tried the following curl command, and it was able to get the http page.
So my machine can find, and get the page, thus it must be something in the code that is wrong. Any help would be appreciated.
I found the problem. After looking over the documentation on the cpp-httplib github, the SSLClient doesn't have the https://
at the beginning of the URL, and me having that in there was causing the problem.
So you want:
httplib::SSLClient client("paper-api.alpaca.markets");
and not:
httplib::SSLClient client("https://paper-api.alpaca.markets");
The second one will not connect.