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How to throw NoHandlerFoundException if path param is not Long in springboot

Currently, there is a GetMapping like follows

 @GetMapping(value = "/{id}")
    public ResponseEntity<Dog> getTrainById(@PathVariable Long id) {
    Dog dog= animalService.getAnimalById(id);
    return new ResponseEntity<>(Dog , HttpStatus.OK);

now if someone accesses http://localhost:8080/api/animal/1, it returns the animal.

But I need to throw NoHandlerFoundException if someone accesses this endpoint without a Long variable as a path parameter, that means like this http://localhost:8080/api/animal/asdsad

IF anyone can tell me way to achieve this, that would be much appreciated

Also I have global exception handling like follows

public class DemoExceptionHandler extends ResponseEntityExceptionHandler {

public ResponseEntity<GenericResponse> customHandleNotFound(Exception ex, WebRequest request) 
    return new ResponseEntity<>(new GenericResponse(ex.getMessage(), null), HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND);

protected ResponseEntity<Object> handleNoHandlerFoundException(NoHandlerFoundException ex, 
HttpHeaders headers, HttpStatus status, WebRequest request) {
    return new ResponseEntity<>(new GenericResponse("invalid endpoint", null), HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);



  • In this case which the request cannot be resolved to the parameter type of a controller method , it will throw MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException.

    So the most effective way to solve the problem is to think about how to handle MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException directly but not think how to make it re-throw NoHandlerFoundException. So you can simply create a @ControllerAdvice to handle MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException :

    public class DemoExceptionHandler {
        public ResponseEntity<Object> handle(MethodArgumentTypeMismatchException ex) {
            return new ResponseEntity<>( GenericResponse("invalid endpoint", null), HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);

    It will be applied to all controllers that throw this type of exception . If you only want it to apply for a particular controller but not globally , you can do :

    public class FooController {
        @GetMapping(value = "/{id}")
        public ResponseEntity<Dog> getTrainById(@PathVariable Long id) {
        public ResponseEntity<Object> handleMethodArgumentTypeMismatchException() {
            return new ResponseEntity<>( GenericResponse("invalid endpoint", null), HttpStatus.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED);