I have created a ArrayBuffer from inside for loop. Now I want to create json string out of the same ArrayBuffer
below code i used to create Array buffer
val res=new ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[_>:Any]]
`df =
| _1| _2|
| 1| 5|
| 2| 57|
df.collect.foreach(x=> {
res += ArrayBuffer(x(0), x(1))
Need Below json String from above ArrayBuffer dynamically without below hard-codede array values
val str = "head"
val cur = """{"%s":{"%s":"%s","%s":"%s"}}""".format(str,res(0)(0),res(0)(1),res(1)(0),res(1)(1))
Expected Output should be below as dynamic based on ArrayBuffer size. And column will be 2 but number of rows can increase or decrease.
Array Buffer is like this --> ArrayBuffer(ArrayBuffer(1, 5), ArrayBuffer(2, 57))
Expected Json
I suggest you to use a Json serializer. The easiest one to me is play-json.
You can add it to your sbt like this:
libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe.play" %% "play-json" % "2.9.2"
Then it's simple as
// convert to a list of tuple
val body: ArrayBuffer[(String, JsValue)] = res.map(e => (e.head.toString, Json.toJson(e(1))))
print(Json.toJson(Json.obj({"head" -> JsObject(list)})))
There is more examples here : https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.8.x/ScalaJson