The task is to implement the class decorator to add the “identify“ class method which returns a class name with the information passed in the decorator.
class Test {}
const test = new Test();
console.log(test['identify']()); // Test-example
Unit tests:
describe('identifier', () => {
it('should return Test-example from identify', () => {
class Test {}
const test = new Test();
assert.strictEqual(test['identify'](), 'Test-example');
it('should return ClassA-prototype from identify', () => {
class ClassA {}
const test = new ClassA();
assert.strictEqual(test['identify'](), 'ClassA-prototype');
I tried to do something with this decorator,but what i have now is only console logging the string passed in brackets,i have no idea how to print the class name where decorator is used.. Please help. :
My function :
function identifier(passedInformation:string):string {
Edit : I almost did the function :
function identifier(...args: any): ClassDecorator {
return function <TFunction extends Function>(
target: TFunction
): TFunction | void {
if i change the return'-'+args
with console log,it gives the result expected in unit test logged in console,but the problem is that i get : type 'string' is not assignable to type 'void | TFunction'
And this in junit.xml :
<failure message="" type="TypeError"><![CDATA[TypeError:
at DecorateConstructor (node_modules\reflect-metadata\Reflect.js:544:31)
at Object.decorate (node_modules\reflect-metadata\Reflect.js:130:24)
at __decorate (test\index.ts:4:92)
But if i change the return to console log,i get this in junit.xml:
<failure message="test.identify is not a function" type="TypeError"><![CDATA[TypeError: test.identify is not a function
at Context.<anonymous> (test\index.ts:99:44)
What is wrong? How can i return my result and finish this task?
Edit 2 :
Using @Vallarasu SambathKumar solution below,i dont get any errors in the code editor,but in junit.xml i get next errors and it can not pass the unit test.. :
<failure message="" type="TypeError"><![CDATA[TypeError:
at DecorateConstructor (node_modules\reflect-metadata\Reflect.js:544:31)
at Object.decorate (node_modules\reflect-metadata\Reflect.js:130:24)
at __decorate (test\index.ts:4:92)
at C:\Users\artio\Desktop\6 Decorators\decorators\test\index.ts:81:20
at Context.<anonymous> (test\index.ts:85:10)
at processImmediate (internal/timers.js:439:21)]]></failure>
How to fix this,whats the problem?
With @Vallarasu SambathKumar solution and a little more documentation,i came up with this function :
function identifier(...args: any): ClassDecorator {
return function <TFunction extends Function>(
target: TFunction
): TFunction | any {
var identify = target.prototype.identify;
Object.defineProperty(target.prototype, 'identify', {
value: function() {
return + "-" + args;
return identify;
I did the identify method like the task needed and then returned it,no errors at unit tests and at run time,perfect.