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Sending another embed after deleting embed not working

That title made no sense but I'll clarify here. I have this command where it'll send an embed and get data from a JSON and then send it back inside of the embed and I want to make it so that after 5 seconds, it deletes and sends another JSON.

Here's the code:

async def test(ctx):
  with open('test.json', 'r') as homeworkfile:
    homework = json.loads(
  embed=discord.Embed(title='Test', description=f"Here's the saved contents for test: {homework}", color=0x9932CC)
  deletewarn=discord.Embed(title='Answer ticket expired.', description="Oops, looks like this ticket expired. Try saying !ss again?", color=0x9932CC)
  await ctx.send(embed=embed, delete_after=5)
  await ctx.send(embed=deletewarn)

When I use the command, it does send the other embed after 5 seconds have passed, but the other embed doesn't delete until a few seconds later.

How do I fix this?


  • time.sleep is blocking, meaning that all code execution is stopped until the 5 seconds pass. Instead, use asyncio.sleep:

    from asyncio import sleep
    def my_func():
      # code blah blah...
      await sleep(5)
      # code...