I have raw data from database table which is not having direct relation wit one another. But I'm having a set of keys, that gives us the order of the hierarchy in our data.
Tried something like this. But couldn't get desired output.
Input Data
const data = {
item1: {
chancellor: "my-chancellor-1",
viceChancellor: "my-vice-chancellor-1",
headProfessor: "my-head-professor-1",
student: "student-1",
intern: null,
item2: {
chancellor: "my-chancellor-1",
viceChancellor: "my-vice-chancellor-1",
headProfessor: "my-head-professor-1",
student: null,
intern: null,
item3: {
chancellor: "my-chancellor-1",
viceChancellor: "my-vice-chancellor-1",
headProfessor: "my-head-professor-1",
student: "student-2",
intern: null,
item4: {
chancellor: "my-chancellor-1",
viceChancellor: "my-vice-chancellor-1",
headProfessor: "my-head-professor-1",
student: "student-3",
intern: "intern-1",
As i said, we have keys to identify the hierarchy. Suppose the keys are
const keyArray = ["chancellor", "viceChancellor", "headProfessor", "student", "intern"]
How can we get an output in a hierarchy structure?
keyName: "chancellor",
name: "my-chancellor-1",
children: [
keyName: "viceChancellor",
name: "my-vice-chancellor-1",
children: [
keyName: "headProfessor",
name: "my-head-professor-1",
children: [
keyName: "student",
name: "student-1",
keyName: "student",
name: "student-2",
keyName: "student",
name: "student-3",
children: [
keyName: "intern",
name: "intern-1",
Please find the solution program, it is bit verbose, since I didn't use any ES6 features. but it still works as per expectation logically.
const data = {
item1: {
chancellor: "my-chancellor-1",
viceChancellor: "my-vice-chancellor-1",
headProfessor: "my-head-professor-1",
student: "student-1",
intern: null,
item2: {
chancellor: "my-chancellor-1",
viceChancellor: "my-vice-chancellor-1",
headProfessor: "my-head-professor-1",
student: null,
intern: null,
item3: {
chancellor: "my-chancellor-1",
viceChancellor: "my-vice-chancellor-1",
headProfessor: "my-head-professor-1",
student: "student-2",
intern: null,
item4: {
chancellor: "my-chancellor-1",
viceChancellor: "my-vice-chancellor-1",
headProfessor: "my-head-professor-1",
student: "student-3",
intern: "intern-1",
const keyArray = ["chancellor", "viceChancellor", "headProfessor", "student", "intern"]
let output = [];
let parent = null;
Object.keys(data).forEach(dk => {
parent = output.find(el => el.name == data[dk][keyArray[0]]);
keyArray.forEach(kele => {
if (!data[dk][kele]) {
let child = {
"keyName": kele,
"name": data[dk][kele]
if (!parent) {
parent = child;
} else {
if (!parent.children)
parent.children = [];
let alreadyPresentChild = parent.children.find(chl => chl.name == child.name);
if (parent.keyName != child.keyName) {
if (!alreadyPresentChild) {
parent = child;
} else {
parent = alreadyPresentChild;