Is there any possible way in Angular 10 / Typescript to download a PDF from a URL instead of opening it in a new tab?
Sample URL:
If you need to download and save it an anchor tag with the download attribute as @sasa suggests should suffice. Here's some sample code for Angular.
<a [href]="url" download>Click to download</a>
If you'd like to programatically download the file you need to use the HttpClient
from Angular:
Install this dependency to make your life easier:
npm install file-saver --save
npm install -D @types/file-saver
And have a generic service
import {saveAs} from 'file-saver'
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class DownloadService {
constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}
downloadUrl(url: string, filename: string): Observable<Blob> {
return this.http.get(url, {responseType: 'blob' }).pipe(
map(res => res.blob()),
tap(blob => saveAs(blob, filename))
Notice that calling the function won't download the file; you will need to subscribe
to the Observable<Blob>
returned or transform it into a Promise
and await it