I have the following method:
public Uni<JsonObject> getHMOStats(String outcode);
That returns a Uni, which value needs to be set in the OutcodeStats objects created by this method:
private Multi<OutcodeStats> getOutcodeStats() {
return Multi.createFrom().items(UkRegions.values())
.invoke(region -> log.infof("Fetching stats for region %s", region.name()))
.flatMap(region -> outcodeStatsService.getByRegion(apiKey, region.name()).toMulti())
.flatMap(regionStats -> Multi.createFrom().items(regionStats.getData().stream()))
.invoke(outcodeStats -> log.infof("Processing %s", outcodeStats.getOutcode()))
.map(outcodeStats -> outcodeStats.setHmoStats(hmoService.getHMOStats(outcodeStats.getOutcode())))) <--- PSEUDO CODE
Unfortunately, I have no idea how to combine the two in order to set the hmoStats
attribute of the OutcodeStats object.
One solution could be to make getHMOStats
not returning a Uni, but I do not think that is the way to go.
Thanks for your attention.
I think you want to do
.transformToUniAndMerge(outcodeStats ->
.transform(hmoStats -> {
return outcodeStats;