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Child component is still re-rendered even if it is not consuming the context

I have the following structure in my React code:

const Parent: React.FC<ParentProps> = (props) => {
    const [value1, setValue1] = useState<any>(null);

    return (
                ...some code here

export default Parent;
const Child: React.FC<ChildProps> = ({ prop1, prop2 }) => {
    return (
            {prop1} {prop2}
const propsAreEqual = (prevProps: ChildProps, nextProps: ChildProps) => {
    return true;

export default React.memo(Child, propsAreEqual);

As you notice:

  • Child component does not consume SomeContext
  • Child component is only wrapped with SomeContextProvider (does this mean that the child is consuming the context?)

Here is the scenario:

  • When Parent is re-rendered, the Child is also re-rendered even if the Child does not consume the SomeContext and propsAreEqual returns true.
  • When I move Child to outside scope, React.memo works as expected and prevents re-rendering of Child when Parent is re-rendered.

How come Child is re-rendered while it is not consuming the context? Isn't React.memo supposed to prevent re-renders? What do I miss about these concepts?


  • I think you are mistaken. I copied your code into a CodeSandbox and modified it so it actually builds. The child does not render whenever the parent re-renders, because you've wrapped it in React.memo(). (If I remove the memo() then the child does re-render.)

    If your code is triggering re-renders, it might be because of your specific implementation of the propsAreEqual function or the values you are passing for value3 or value4.