I'm working off this answer, except with pure Javascript, and not jquery. I've attempted to change all elements that have a color assignment to a pink color. I'm walking through the elements backwards in my loop. Injecting this code on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page, for example, only changes a few background colors; leaving many untouched, even though inspecting the element has a CSS color property. How come this color assignment is not affecting all elements on the page that have a color property?
// CSS properties that can change color
let CSSPropsColor =
function pinkAll()
// get all elements
var allEl = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
// walk backwards through loop
for (var i=allEl.length-1; i > -1; i--) {
var color = null;
for (var prop in CSSPropsColor) {
prop = CSSPropsColor[prop];
//if we can't find this property or it's null, continue
if (!allEl[i].style[prop]) continue;
var bgColor = window.getComputedStyle(allEl[i],null).getPropertyValue(prop).toString();
let firstChar = bgColor.charAt(0);
if(firstChar !== "r" && firstChar !== "#") continue;
allEl[i].style[prop] = "#EC00FF" // change element color to PINK
window.addEventListener('load', function () {
// sometimes 'load' is not enough, and I have to wait a bit
let timeout = setTimeout(pinkAll, 500);
Your if statement: if (!allEl[i].style[prop]) continue;
is continuing anytime it encounters an element wherein the style is not set inline. Using if (!window.getComputedStyle(allEl[i],null).getPropertyValue(prop)) continue;
sets the whole page pink...