We use a nexus repository for our libraries. Another projects has it as a dependency in version 6.1.2-SNAPSHOT
, but maven fails to fetch it.
It tries to fetch https://nexus/nexus/repository/snapshots/tld/company/lib/lib-6.1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
but it fails.
When checking manually I can see that there is a https://nexus/nexus/repository/snapshots/tld/company/lib/lib-6.1.2-20220101.111111-11.jar
My settings.xml has a repository entry for the snapshots:
How do I tell Maven to use that instead?
Okay, the issue was resolved.
We had a "clean snapshots task" in Nexus which deleted "old" -- although this one was not that old -- snapshots. We changed the number of kept snapshots and restored the ones missing.
Thanks so far for all suggestions!