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How to get the querystring parameters with Astro

I'm using quite a new technology called Astro ( to build a completely static, server side rendered page, shipping zero JS.

I have a page with a form that is a simple text input, when the user fills this in and clicks the submit button, it sends a GET request to an astro page. The url will look something like this ....


What I want to be able to do is get access to that querystring parameter in order to redirect my user to another static page /1234.

I am trying to access the quesrystring parameter with Astro.request, but the object, including the parameters attribute is completely empty.

Is there anyway to access the querystring parameters from a .astro page/file?


  • I reached out to the developers of Astro and eventually had an email back. This functionality is not possible with Astro, it is not a bug, rather a misunderstanding from me about how Astro works. The pages in Astro are rendered up-front and are entirely static.