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'PyPardisoError: The Pardiso solver failed with error code -3. See Pardiso documentation for details'. How to solve it?

PyPardisoError: The Pardiso solver failed with error code -3. See Pardiso documentation for details.

I was working on Jupyter Notebook and I found this error. What does it mean and how can I fix this problem?


  • Error -3 is a matrix reordering problem. Reordering (moving around rows or columns to make the math easier) should not normally cause issues; please make sure you have a square, non-singular matrix.

    If you can't figure it out, you can post the specific system you are working on to the Brightway mailing list or give a link here.

    EDIT: The problem was instead a compatibility problem with intel-openmp and mkl. The solution given in the Github issue is to force an older version of intel-openmp:

    conda install -c conda-forge intel-openmp=2021.4