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In chisel 3, how to initialize memory test code with text file

I wanted to initialize memory test code in chisel 3.

I referred the code from this website (

import chisel3._
import chisel3.util.experimental.loadMemoryFromFileInline

class InitMemInline(memoryFile: String = " My text file location ") extends Module {
  val width: Int = 32
  val io = IO(new Bundle {
    val enable = Input(Bool())
    val write = Input(Bool())
    val addr = Input(UInt(10.W))
    val dataIn = Input(UInt(width.W))
    val dataOut = Output(UInt(width.W))

  val mem = SyncReadMem(1024, UInt(width.W))
  // Initialize memory
  if (memoryFile.trim().nonEmpty) {
    loadMemoryFromFileInline(mem, memoryFile)
  io.dataOut := DontCare
  when(io.enable) {
    val rdwrPort = mem(io.addr)
    when (io.write) { rdwrPort := io.dataIn }
      .otherwise    { io.dataOut := rdwrPort }

This code works well when it is compiled to verilog.

So, i thought that it also can emit number in tester code.

    it should "read memory" in{
        test (new InitMemInline) { c=>



However, this test code doesn't work well.

Its output is just zero.

I want to know how to initialize chisel test code with text file.


  • It's seem to be a path problem. Give the path of your memory content file in tester code when you instantiate module :

        it should "read memory" in{
            test (new InitMemInline("/the/path/to/memory.hex")) { c=>

    If your memory.hex is well formated it should solve the problem.