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How can I add a linkedlist to a trie leaf?

I have a dictionary project in adds words to a trie tree and then I need to add a linkedlist to end of each word I entered that saves meanings. I have made two kind of nodes like bellow for the trie and linked list.

static class TrieNode{
        TrieNode[]children=new TrieNode[29];
        boolean IsEnd;
            for(int i=0;i<29;i++)
    static class Meaningnode{
        String Meaning;
        Meaningnode next;
        public Meaningnode(String Meaning){

29 links for 26 letters and a link to parent and space ' ' and a one to the list;


  • In your explanation for 29 entries, you write:

    29 links for 26 letters and a link to parent and space' ' and a one to the list;

    The problem here is that the "one to the list" will violate the type that is expected. The declaration is:

    TrieNode[]children=new TrieNode[29];

    But you want to use an entry for a Meaningnode instead of a TrieNode. That is not right. Instead, just dedicate a separate property for that purpose, just like you have already a separate property for isEnd. I would even make a separate entry for the parent too (if you really need a parent reference).

    Finally, add a constructor for Meaningnode that can take a second argument for specifying next:

    static class Meaningnode {
        String Meaning;
        Meaningnode next;
        public Meaningnode(String Meaning) {
            this.Meaning = Meaning;
        public Meaningnode(String Meaning, Meaningnode next) {
            this.Meaning = Meaning;
   = next;
    static class TrieNode {
        TrieNode[] children = new TrieNode[27];
        boolean IsEnd;
        TrieNode parent;
        Meaningnode meaning;
        TrieNode() {
            IsEnd = false;
            parent = null;
            meaning = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++)
                children[i] = null;
        // Method to prepend a meaning to the list of meanings:
        addMeaning(string meaning) {
            this.meaning = new Meaningnode(meaning, this.meaning);
        // Other methods...
        // ...