I'm trying to post an array using a POST request to a specific page, the target page generates a csv and send me back the stream, right now i'm doing using ExtJs Ajax class, but that won't work as i need to make a normal HTTP request not ajax, my current code is as follows:
exportSubscribers: function(btn,e) {
url: Players.config.connectorUrl
,params: {
action: 'mgr/player/getSubscribers'
The exportSubscribers function is executed from a normal ExtJs button
{ xtype: 'button'
,text: 'Export Subscribers'
,preventRender: true
,handler: this.exportSubscribers
What class should i use to turn this into a normal request?
There isn't a class to do a normal request. I known two ways to accomplish a file download:
method from ExtJS button handler to do the POST request you want.<a href="url?params" title="Download CSV">Download CSV</a>'