So getAstronautsData make request to API then return array of promises. This promises mast make request to Wiki API and parse response in object. Then exampleAsyncFunc must wait all promises and return one big object with all info about Astronauts. But if I use Promise.all function ending and console is clear.
function getAstronautsData() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
getData('', "http", (data) => {
resolve(data) // get Astronauts list from API
}).then((astronautsList) => {
return => // return array of promises
new Promise(resolve => {
getWikiData(, (data) => { // request on Wiki API
resolve({info: data.extract, img: data.thumbnail.source})
async function exampleAsyncFunc (){
let promisesList = await getAstronautsData()
// next code just few variant was i try
let data = await Promise.all(promisesList)// it's not working.
Promise.all(promisesList).then(data => console.log(data)) //it's not working. Function display nothing
promisesList.forEach((promise) => { //it's working but not so elegant
promise.then(data => console.log(data))
exampleAsyncFunc ()
function getWikiData(searhTerm, callback) {
getData(getUrlString(searhTerm), "https", (data) => {
const regex = new RegExp(searhTerm.replaceAll(" ", ".*"));
for (let page in data.query.pages) {
if (data.query.pages[page].title === searhTerm || regex.test(data.query.pages[page].title)) {
Ok, problem was in API (in API one of astronauts have name "Tom Marshburn"
but on Wiki his page have title "Thomas Marshburn"
) and function getWikiData
not return any data on error. So i fixed this problem.
Thanks you all for you help!!!