I'm using web speech api
but mic automatically closes after some seconds but i have to close mix only when the user clicks on close buttons.
Any solution to resolve this issue. Thanks
You should mark the recognition service as continuous and maybe start the recorder again if it stops after the timeout when there is no activity.
<button onclick='toggleRecording()'>Toggle recorder</button>
<div id='results'></div>
window.SpeechRecognition = window.SpeechRecognition ||
let recognition = new window.SpeechRecognition()
let recording = false;
let results = null;
recognition.continuous = true;
function toggleRecording() {
if(recording) {
recognition.onend = null;
recording = false;
// Printing all results we got so far.
if(results) {
let resultsDiv = document.getElementById('results')
for(let i=0; i<results.length; ++i)
resultsDiv.innerHTML = resultsDiv.innerHTML + results.item(i)[0].transcript
} else {
recognition.onend = onEnd;
recording = true;
function onEnd() {
console.log('Speech recognition has stopped. Starting again ...');
function onSpeak(e) {
results = e.results;
recognition.addEventListener('result', onSpeak);