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How to zip nested lists with reactor and R2dbc

I have 3 tables in a postgres data base and am using R2dbc to query and connect them in a relational manner.

I have 3 entity classes (possibly shouldn't be data classes, but shouldn't effect the example)

@Table(name = "parent", schema = "public", catalog = "Test")
data class MyParentObject(
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    @Column(name = "id")
    var id: Int = 0,

    var childData: List<MyChildObject>? = null
@Table(name = "child", schema = "public", catalog = "Test")
data class MyChildObject(
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    @Column(name = "id")
    var id: Int = 0,

    @Column(name = "parent_id")
    var parentId: Int? = null

    var grandchildData: List<MyGrandchildObject>? = null
@Table(name = "grandchild", schema = "public", catalog = "Test")
data class MyGrandchildObject(
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
    @Column(name = "id")
    var id: Int = 0
    @Column(name = "child_id")
    var childId: Int? = null

parent is one-to-many to child which is one-to-many of grandchild. parent_id and child_id act like fkeys.

I have a RestController which can return all Parent data populated with all child Data through these methods

fun viewAllParents(): Mono<MutableList<MyParentObject>> =
        .flatMap { Mono.just(it).addChildData( }

fun Mono<MyParentObject>.addChildData(id: Int): Mono<MyParentObject> =
        .map {
            it.t1.childData = it.t2

And I have another RestController that can return all ChildData with all Grandchild data (much the same as above) through these methods

fun viewAllChildren(): Mono<MutableList<MyChildObject>> =
        .flatMap { Mono.just(it).addGrandchildData( }

fun Mono<MyChildObject>.addGrandchildData(id: Int): Mono<MyChildObject> =
            .map {
                it.t1.childOfChildData = it.t2

What I can't do and is my question, is how do I get viewAllParents() to also populate with Grandchild data. Do I need to convert var grandchildData: List<MyGrandchildObject> to a Flux and zip it with a new flux from the grandchildRepository? Or Am I looking at this the wrong way?

Any pointers would be much appreciated.


  • I really liked the challenge of hierarchial data fetch using reactor. I don't know Kotlin but i have tried to reproduce the problem using java. I couldn't create a PostgreSQL table with the parent -> child -> grandChild hierarchy but i tried to simulate something similar via webclient( basically the logic would remain same). This is my code and this is what i tried to do and was able to get the result what you intended :

    The crux of the solution is in the Handler code where i am using to build a sub flow based on list of childs and using that to tie together all

    public Flux<Parent> getFamiliesHierarchy() {
            return getAllParents()
                .flatMap(parent ->
                                .flatMap(childList -> getChildsWithKids(childList))
                                .map(childList -> parent.toBuilder().children(childList).build()

    Below is the complete code

    public class FamilyHandler {
        private WebClient webClient;
        public Flux<Parent> getAllParents() {
            return webClient
        public Mono<List<Child>> getAllChildsList(final Integer parentId) {
             ParameterizedTypeReference<List<Child>> childList = 
                 new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<Child>>() {};
            return webClient
                .uri("childs?parentId=" + parentId)
        public Flux<GrandChild> getGrandKids(final Integer childId) {
             return webClient
                .uri("grandKids?childId=" + childId)
        public Mono<List<GrandChild>> getGrandKidsList(final Integer childId) {
             ParameterizedTypeReference<List<GrandChild>> grandKidsList = 
             new ParameterizedTypeReference<List<GrandChild>>() {};
             return webClient
                .uri("grandKids?childId=" + childId)
        private Mono<List<Child>> getChildsWithKids(final List<Child> childList) {
            return Flux.fromIterable(childList).flatMap(child ->
          , getGrandKidsList(child.getId()))
                            .map(tuple2 ->        tuple2.getT1().toBuilder().grandChildren(tuple2.getT2()).build())
        public Flux<Parent> getFamiliesHierarchy() {
            return getAllParents()
                .flatMap(parent ->
                                .flatMap(childList -> getChildsWithKids(childList))
                                .map(childList -> parent.toBuilder().children(childList).build()

    I used json-server for mocking the server

    and below is my db.json file

             "id": 1,
             "name" : "Parent1",
             "id": 2,
             "name" : "Parent2",
             "id": 1,
             "parentId": 1,
             "name": "child1Parent1",
             "parentId": 1,
             "projectName": "child2Parent1",
             "parentId": 2,
             "projectName": "child1Parent2",
             "parentId": 2,
             "projectName": "child2Parent2",
         "childId": 2,
         "projectName": "grandKid1child2Parent1",
         "childId": 2,
         "projectName": "grandKid1child2Parent1",
         "childId": 4,
         "projectName": "grandKid1child1Parent2",
         "childId": 4,
         "projectName": "grandKid1child1Parent2",
         "childId": 3,
         "projectName": "grandKid1child1Parent2",

    This is my controller code

    public class FamilyController {
        private FamilyHandler familyHandler;
        public Flux<Parent> viewAllParents() {
             return familyHandler.getFamiliesHierarchy();

    We can easily retrofit the code for r2DBC repository.

    -- UPDATE -- I was able to create the sample data and created an equivalent with R2DBC Here's the link to the gist