I have two tables with a many-to-many relationship. So I created an intermediate table, but I can't find a way to populate this table correctly because I can't set a correct list from my data.
I have a list of 'courses' : each 'course' can have one or several categories. So my table looks like this :
|868|title4|01042021|[47, 52, 54]|
If I try a map like this :
val myMap = coursesList.map { itcategory to it.idcourses}.distinct()
I have this kind of result :
([54], 700), ([54], 701), ([48], 702), ([47, 52, 54], 868)
The whole "[47, 52, 54]" is considered as one string but I want it to be split so I can have this :
([54], 700), ([54], 701), ([48], 702), ([47], 868), ([52], 868), ([54], 868)
Does anyone know how to achieve this ??
I believe that you may be trying to do this the wrong way as it appears that your intermediate table has a column where you are expecting a list of category id's.
You cannot have a column that is a list/array it has to be a single object.
However rather than try to fix that, what would typically be used for an intermediate table is a table that primarily has a single row per mapping. That is two columns that make up a mapping. Where the two columns are a composite primary key.
other columns that have data specific to the mapping can be used.
In your case one column to map/reference/relate/associate to the course and an second column to map the course.
For example, say you have the Course Table and the Category Table per:-
data class Course(
val idcourses: Long? = null,
val title: String,
val date: String
data class Category(
val idcategories: Long? = null,
val name: String
Then you could have the intermediate table as :-
@Entity(primaryKeys = ["idcoursesmap","idcategoriesmap"])
data class CourseCategoryMap(
val idcoursesmap: Long,
@ColumnInfo(index = true)
val idcategoriesmap: Long
This is sufficient for a many-many relationship.
You would probably want to retrieve Courses with the Categories so you would probably want a POJO for this such as:-
data class CourseWithCategories(
val course: Course,
entity = Category::class,
parentColumn = "idcourses",
entityColumn = "idcategories",
associateBy = Junction(
value = CourseCategoryMap::class,
parentColumn = "idcoursesmap",
entityColumn = "idcategoriesmap"
val categories: List<Category>
Here's some Dao's that would or may be wanted/useful:-
abstract class AllDao {
@Insert(onConflict = IGNORE) // Insert single Category
abstract fun insert(category: Category): Long
@Insert(onConflict = IGNORE) // Insert Single Course
abstract fun insert(course: Course): Long
@Insert(onConflict = IGNORE) // Insert Single CourseCategoryMap
abstract fun insert(courseCategoryMap: CourseCategoryMap): Long
/* Inserts many course category maps */
@Insert(onConflict = IGNORE)
abstract fun insert(courseCategoryMaps: List<CourseCategoryMap>): List<Long>
@Query("SELECT * FROM course WHERE course.title=:courseTitle")
abstract fun getCourseByTitle(courseTitle: String): Course
@Query("SELECT * FROM category WHERE category.name LIKE :categoryMask")
abstract fun getCategoriesByNameMask(categoryMask: String): List<Category>
/* For retrieving courses with all the courses categories */
@Query("SELECT * FROM course")
abstract fun getAllCoursesWithCategories(): List<CourseWithCategories>
fun insertManyCataegoriesForACourseByIds(idcourse: Long,categories: List<Long>) {
for (categoryId: Long in categories) {
// Anoher possibility
fun insertManyCategoriesForACourse(course: Course, categories: List<Category>) {
val categoryIds = ArrayList<Long>()
for (c: Category in categories) {
To demonstrate the above, a pretty standard class annotated with @Database :-
const val DATABASE_NAME = "the_database.db"
@Database(entities = [Course::class,Category::class,CourseCategoryMap::class], exportSchema = false, version = DATABASE_VERSION)
abstract class TheDatabase: RoomDatabase() {
abstract fun getAllDao(): AllDao
companion object {
private var instance: TheDatabase? = null
fun getInstance(context: Context): TheDatabase {
if (instance == null) {
instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context,TheDatabase::class.java, DATABASE_NAME)
return instance as TheDatabase
And activity code to replicate what it looks like your are attempting (but twice to show 2 ways of mapping, the second using category id's that are 20 greater then the first) :-
lateinit var db: TheDatabase
lateinit var dao: AllDao
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
db = TheDatabase.getInstance(this)
dao = db.getAllDao()
dao.insert(Course(idcourses = 700,title = "title1", date = "01012021"))
// add quite a few categories for demo
for(i in 30..300) {
//example of what you are trying to do (first)
var currentCourse = dao.getCourseByTitle("title1")
dao.insertManyCataegoriesForACourseByIds(currentCourse.idcourses!!, listOf(54))
dao.insertManyCataegoriesForACourseByIds(dao.getCourseByTitle("title2").idcourses!!, listOf(54))
dao.insertManyCataegoriesForACourseByIds(dao.getCourseByTitle("title3").idcourses!!, listOf(48))
dao.insertManyCataegoriesForACourseByIds(dao.getCourseByTitle("title4").idcourses!!, listOf(47,52,54))
// second (does the same but uses categroyids 20 greater than the first)
val coursecategorymaplist = listOf<CourseCategoryMap>(
// Extract results
for (cwc: CourseWithCategories in dao.getAllCoursesWithCategories()) {
Log.d("DBINFO","Course is ${cwc.course.title}, date is ${cwc.course.date} it has ${cwc.categories.size} categories they are:-")
for (c: Category in cwc.categories) {
Log.d("DBINFO","\tCategory is ${c.name}")
The log includes (note double the number of categories):-
D/DBINFO: Course is title1, date is 01012021 it has 2 categories they are:-
D/DBINFO: Category is Category54
D/DBINFO: Category is Category74
D/DBINFO: Course is title2, date is 01022021 it has 2 categories they are:-
D/DBINFO: Category is Category54
D/DBINFO: Category is Category74
D/DBINFO: Course is title3, date is 01032021 it has 2 categories they are:-
D/DBINFO: Category is Category48
D/DBINFO: Category is Category68
D/DBINFO: Course is title4, date is 01042021 it has 6 categories they are:-
D/DBINFO: Category is Category47
D/DBINFO: Category is Category52
D/DBINFO: Category is Category54
D/DBINFO: Category is Category67
D/DBINFO: Category is Category72
D/DBINFO: Category is Category74
The Database
The Course Table :-
The Category Table (partial)
The CourseCategoryMap (intermediate table)