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what's this decompiled f2xm1/fscale sequence meant to do?

I am trying to reverse engineer some decomiled code which originally had been written in C/C++, i.e. I suspect that the below FPU related code sequence is probably derived from some simple C-code "double" handling that justs looks more complicated in the generated assembly code. Leading up to this point, some floating point multiplications had been performed with the result in ST0 (corresponding to d1). I've read the docs on what the underlying FPU operations technically do, still the intention of the respective code sequence still isn't obvious to me.

  d1 = (float10)1.442695040888963 *(float10)0.6931471805599453 * (float10)DOUBLE_00430088 * (float10)param_1[0x58];
  d2 = ROUND(d1);
  d1 = (float10)f2xm1(d1 - d2);
  d1 = (float10)fscale((float10)1 + d1,d2);

what is the intended change performed to the original d1 result, i.e. what would the C code have done with the original d1 "double"?

PS: below the actual x86 code (just in case Ghidra misinterpreted something while decompiling):

                     * Push ST(i) onto the FPU register stack, i.e.               *
                     * duplicate ST0                                              *
0040aeef d9 c0           FLD        ST0
                     * Rounds the source value in the ST(0) register              *
                     * to the nearest integral value, depending on                *
                     * the current rounding mode (lets suppose some               *
                     * "floor" mode was used?)                                    *
0040aef1 d9 fc           FRNDINT
                     * Exchange the contents of ST(0) and ST(1).                  *
0040aef3 d9 c9           FXCH
                     * get fractional part?                                       *
0040aef5 d8 e1           FSUB       d2[0],d1[0]
                     * Computes the exponential value of 2 to the power           *
                     * of the source operand minus 1.                             *
0040aef7 d9 f0           F2XM1
                     * Push +1.0 onto the FPU register stack.                     *
0040aef9 d9 e8           FLD1
                     * Add ST(0) to ST(1), store result in ST(1),                 *
                     * and pop the register stack.                                *
0040aefb de c1           FADDP
                     * Scale ST(0) by ST(1).  This instruction provides           *
                     * rapid multiplication or division by integral               *
                     * powers of 2.                                               *
0040aefd d9 fd           FSCALE
                     * The FSTP instruction copies the value in the ST(0)         *
                     * register to the destination operand and then pops          *
                     * the register stack.                                        *
0040aeff dd d9           FSTP       d1[0]


  • Without the complete context it is difficult to be entirely sure, but the computation here seems to be a naive computation of exp(x) via F2XM1. Note that the argument to F2XM1 was restricted to [-0.5, 0.5] on early x87 implementations and [-1, 1] on later ones. Computing the integer part of the argument with FRNDINT and subtracting it from the argument yields a fractional part suitable for use by F2XM1. The code presumably assumes that the default rounding mode, round-to-nearest-or-even, is in effect.

    Below is the entire annotated instruction sequence for a simple exp(x) computation, programmed to match the disassembled code as closely as possible. I used the inline assembly facility of the Intel C/C++ compiler, so this uses Intel syntax. In the comments, the caret ^ denotes exponentiation. The output of this program is:

    x=2.5000000000000000e+000 exp(x)=1.2182493960703475e+001 lib=1.2182493960703473e+001
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    int main (void)
        double r, x = 2.5; 
        __asm fld qword ptr[x]; // x
        __asm fldl2e;           // log2(e)=1.442695040888963, x
        __asm fmulp st(1), st;  // x*log2(e)
        __asm fld st(0);        // x*log2(e), x*log2(e)
        __asm frndint;          // rint(x*log2(e)), x*log2(e)
        __asm fxch st(1);       // x*log2(e), rint(x*log2(e))
        __asm fsub st, st(1);   // frac(x*log2(e)), rint(x*log2(e))
        __asm f2xm1;            // 2^frac(x*log2(e))-1, rint(x*log2(e))
        __asm fld1;             // 1, 2^frac(x*log2(e))-1, rint(x*log2(e))
        __asm faddp st(1),st;   // 2^frac(x*log2(e)), rint(x*log2(e))
        __asm fscale;           // exp(x)=2^frac(x*log2(e))*2^rint(x*log2(e)), rint(x*log2(e)
        __asm fstp qword ptr[r];// rint(x*log2(e)
        __asm fstp st(0);       // <empty>
        printf ("x=%23.16e exp(x)=%23.16e lib=%23.16e\n", x, r, exp(x));
        return 0;