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Issue while splitting a column of a data frame into different columns

This the sample of the dataframe I'm playing with.

structure(list(Company.Name = c("Ample Softech System", "Ziff Davis LLC", 
"IIM Kozhikkode", "Perennial", "Irupar Sociedad Cooperativa", 
"md", ""), Job.Title = c("Data Analyst", "Data Analyst", "Data Analyst", 
"Data Analyst", "Data Analyst", "Data Analyst", "Data Analyst"
), Salaries.Reported = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L), Location = c("Pune", 
"Pune", "Pune", "Pune", "Pune", "Pune", "Pune"), Salary = c("₹35,563/mo", 
"₹5,21,474/yr", "₹7,64,702/yr", "₹16,123/mo", "₹6,04,401/yr", 
"AFN 1,56,179/yr", "₹23,500/mo")), row.names = 2274:2280, class = "data.frame")

The column Salary contains figures in a pattern of (Currency_symbol+Figure+periodicity) eg:₹35,563/mo

I have been trying to separate the pattern into different columns. I used the following code.

smpl = separate(sample, col = Salary, into = c( "Currency_symbol", "Salary_copy"), sep = 1, remove = TRUE, convert =  TRUE) #separates currency_symbol into separate column
smpl2 = separate(smpl, col = Salary_copy, into = c('Salary_copy', 'Periodicity'), sep = -3, remove = TRUE, convert = TRUE) # separates periodicity to separate column

The issue I'm facing is that one row contains 3 characters as Currency-symbol (AFN), while others are single characters.

So these particular lines of code mentioned above are not able to separate the pattern into respective columns for that particular row.

If I change the index of sep argument of the code, all other rows will be affected. How can I solve this particular issue?


  • Another solution using extract and a simpler regex. An additional step trims whitespace and removes the commas from the salary amounts.

    df2 <- df %>% 
      extract(Salary, c('currency', 'amount', 'period'), '^(\\D+)([0-9,]+)/(.*)') %>% 
        currency = gsub(' ', '', currency),
        amount = as.numeric(gsub(',', '', amount))
                        Company.Name    Job.Title Salaries.Reported Location currency amount period
    2274        Ample Softech System Data Analyst                 1     Pune        ₹  35563     mo
    2275              Ziff Davis LLC Data Analyst                 1     Pune        ₹ 521474     yr
    2276              IIM Kozhikkode Data Analyst                 1     Pune        ₹ 764702     yr
    2277                   Perennial Data Analyst                 1     Pune        ₹  16123     mo
    2278 Irupar Sociedad Cooperativa Data Analyst                 1     Pune        ₹ 604401     yr
    2279                          md Data Analyst                 1     Pune      AFN 156179     yr
    2280                             Data Analyst                 1     Pune        ₹  23500     mo